About the Neurology

Our department undertakes the diagnosis and treatment of headaches, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, tumours, memory problems, stroke, vascular disorders and neuro muscular disorders. 

We have a specialised team of doctors well trained to provide superior medical care. Our neurosurgeons diagnose and surgically treat conditions of the brain and spine and help in providing the best possible care to the patients.


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Neurology Services

Our department diagnoses and treats headaches, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, tumors, memory problems, strokes, vascular disorders, and neuromuscular disorders

Treatment and Procedure

A brain disorder that causes seizures. It may occur as a result of genetic disorder or a brain injury such as trauma or stroke an imbalance of nerve signalling chemicals. A person may experience abnormal behaviour, symptoms and sensations including loss of consciousness. One may experience jerking movements of the arms and legs, stiffness of the body. It has a serious effect on memory. People may have a tough time remembering words, facts and things happened to them. It can be treated by medications and some cases surgery may be required. Some epilepsies however are very difficult to treat and may require lifelong medications that are anti-epileptic drugs. An EEG is used to check for any unusual electrical activity in the brain that can happen in epilepsy patients.

: It’s a sudden onset of focal neurological deficits due to lack of blood supply or hemorrhage in brain causing symptoms lasting more than 24 hours. A brain attack occurs due to a blocked or ruptured artery. Symptoms of stroke include trouble walking, speaking, understanding and paralysis or numbness of the face, arm or leg. Early detection can help treat the condition very fast. Medication like clot buster, anticoagulant, statins can minimise the brain damage. Therapies like speech therapy, physical therapy and stoke rehabilitation are given. Some people will keep improving months or years after a stroke.

A vascular neurological disorder called Aneurysm, is an abnormal bulging in the wall of a blood vessel, an artery due to weakened area in the vessel wall. It occurs in various parts of the body including the brain, aorta and other blood vessels. This happens due to high blood pressure, trauma or some infections. An aneurysm when bursts cause bleeding inside the body which is called ruptured aneurysm. If the aneurysms get ruptured it leads to symptoms like severe pain, nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness. An aneurysm that has not burst is called unruptured aneurysms without showing any symptoms. Treatment involves medications to control blood pressure and some cases surgery may be required to prevent rupture.

Another vascular disorder known as Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are abnormal tangles of blood vessels connecting arteries and veins which disrupt normal blood flow and oxygen circulation. They are most commonly found in the brain and spine. Symptoms are headaches, seizures, neurological deficits and in some cases stroke can happen. Treatment options include medications, surgical intervention, endovascular embolization and stereotactic radiosurgery to shrink the AVM.

Dementia that causes Alzheimer’s disease are the neurological disorders that affect the elderly leading to memory loss, cognitive impairment and behavioral changes. Other dementias are Vascular dementia that cause brain damage due to reduced blood flow to the brain. It can be because of hypertension, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol and heart disease. Frontotemporal dementia involves degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Symptoms are personality and behavioral changes, memory loss is often affected in the early stages. Treatment focuses on managing the symptoms with antibiotics, lifestyle changes, cognitive therapies, immunotherapies and speech therapy may help.

Autism spectrum disorder(ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication, behaviour and social interactions. This leads to difficulty in understanding, difficulty maintaining conversations, sensitivity to light, sounds, taste or smells, unusual eating or sleeping habits. Treatment involves behavioural therapy, social skill training, educational support, family support and medications may be prescribed to manage anxiety, depression or hyperactivity.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), a neurological disorder that interfere with functioning or development patterns that begins from childhood and can persist into adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty organizing tasks and activities, restlessness, talking excessively etc. Treatment focuses on medications to improve attention and reduce hyperactivity, behavioural therapy, educational support and counselling may help.

Some of the craniofacial pain such as Migraines and headaches are commonly treated neurological conditions that impact our quality of life. It can be caused by dental problems, sinus etc. The headache includes tension headache, associated with tightness in the neck and shoulders. Cluster headaches that occur in clusters with severe burning and piercing pain around one eye or one side of the head. Migraines are also a type of headache with intense pain in one side of the head, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to noise, light or smells. The treatment includes over the counter medications and lifestyle changes to manage the symptoms.

Muscular dystrophies are genetic disorders caused by mutations in genes leading to muscle deterioration over time. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a type of dystrophy that is seen mostly in children. The symptoms usually begin between ages 2 and 5. Another form of dystrophy is Becker Muscular dystrophy that start in the teens or early adulthood. It can affect heart, endocrine system and eyes. Congenital muscular dystrophy is a type of dystrophy present at birth or soon after the birth. Symptoms include muscle weakness, difficulty walking, frequent falls, muscle pain and stiffness and in some cases respiratory issues can also happen. Treatments like physical therapy to maintain muscle strength, medications like corticosteroids may help manage the symptoms

Another neuromuscular disorder known as Myasthenia Gravis also leads to muscle weakness due to decreased ability of the muscle to respond to nerve impulses. It also causes blurred vision, drooping of eyelids, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath and impaired speech. Medications to improve nerves and muscles, immunosuppressants may be considered. Surgical removal like Thymectomy that is the removal of thymus gland may be recommended for some patients.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. This leads to muscle weakness, difficulty speaking, swallowing and breathing. Treatment involves physical therapy, respiratory support, nutritional support and communication aids.

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